Lord ‘Aadinath’ was incarnated at the beginning of the fourth era. He is the destroyer of sins and supporter of individuals trapped in the ocean of mundane existence. His body is so radiant that even his toenails are capable of lighting up the gems studded in the crowns of celestial beings.
‘Devendras’ (Intellectually brilliant celestial beings who have acquired knowledge of all scriptures related to language and philosophical principles) have amply praised him using hymns (verses) that have deep meaning and that are capable of captivating the minds of living beings residing in all three realms of existence (‘Lokas’). The poet (Mantungacharya), with utmost devotion resolves to offer salutations and prayers at the feet of first Jinendra ‘Aadinath Bhagwan’; and bowing down, further resolves to praise him in the same manner as ‘Devendras.’ 1-2.
भक्ति भाव से प्रणाम करते हुए देवों के मुकुट में लगी हुई मणियों की प्रभा को उज्जवल करने वाले, पापरूपी अंधकार के समूह के विनाशक, कर्म युग के प्रारम्भ में संसार समुद्र में डूबते-गिरते प्राणियों के लिए आलम्बन अर्थात् सहायता देकर रक्षा करने वाले आदिनाथ जिनेन्द्र के चरण-युगल को भलीभाँति, मन-वचन-काय से सविधि प्रणाम करके, मैं उनकी स्तुति प्रारम्भ करता हूँ।
Completion Year